DNS 1-3 Instantaneous Data

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Flow in a 3D diffuser

Front Page


Computational Details

Quantification of Resolution

Statistical Data

Instantaneous Data

Storage Format

Instantaneous data

Instantaneous volumetric data is provided every approximately 25 time units for around 800 time units, resulting in 38 snapshots. The variables provided are the instantaneous velocity and pressure as well as their gradients. The data is provided separately for the inlet duct (x/h=[-7,-3]) and the diffuser region (x=[0,37.5]). The long inlet duct and the exit area are left out of the dataset. Each instantaneous field weights 1.2 GB for the inlet duct and 14 GB for the diffuser, resulting in a total of 45.8 GB for the inlet duct and 532 GB for the diffuser region. For more information regarding the storage format, please refer to the storage format guidelines.

A bash script is provided to download part or all the dataset automatically instead of clicking to all the downloads. It can be run under any Unix terminal and can be used as

bash downloader.sh [dataset] [start] [end] [interval] [destination]

For dataset use "duct" for the inlet duct region and "difu" for the diffuser region. Then "start", "end" and "interval" are set to "0", "925000" and "25000" respectively for this dataset. The [destination] is, by default, the current directory. An example of usage to download part of the diffuser database would be

bash downloader.sh difu 50000 500000 25000 dataset

This would download instants 50000 to 500000 of the diffuser region and store it in the "dataset" folder.

Duct area (x/h=[-7,-3])

Diffuser area (x=[0,37.5])

Contributed by: Oriol Lehmkuhl, Arnau Miro — Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)

Front Page


Computational Details

Quantification of Resolution

Statistical Data

Instantaneous Data

Storage Format

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