DNS 1-6 Storage Format
Wing-body junction
Storage Format
The statistical data provided is stored in the XML Parallel vtkUnstructuredGrid format, e.g, filename.pvtu [1]. The Parallel data format does not actually contain any data but references other serial files (Serial vtkUnstructuredGrid) containing the data for each grid partition used for the computation, e.g., filename_partition_number.vtu. vtu files can be easily read through the open-source Paraview software, a multi-platform application for data analysis and visualization [2]. Datasets are delivered as compressed file (.tar.gz).
Statistical data format
The dataset consists of a set of .vtu files:
Volume data
- averaged_pressure.vtu: averaged pressure,
- averaged_velocity_i.vtu: averaged velocity i-th component,
- Reynolds_stress_ij.vtu: the 6 components of the Reynolds stress tensor,
- Taylor_microscale.vtu: Taylor microscale,
- Kolmogorov_length_scale.vtu: Kolmogorov length scale,
- Kolmogorov_time_scale.vtu: Kolmogorov time scales,
Surface data
- bottom_wall_averaged_pressure.vtu: averaged pressure,
- wing_averaged_pressure.vtu: averaged pressure,
where and range between 1 and 3 and are alias of (streamwise), (normalwise), (spanwise).
Contributed by: Alessandro Colombo (UNIBG), Francesco Carlo Massa (UNIBG), Jean-Baptiste Chapelier (ONERA) — University of Bergamo (UNIBG), ONERA
© copyright ERCOFTAC 2024