EXP 1-4 Description

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Axisymmetric drop impact dynamics on a wall film of the same liquid

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Review of experimental studies


Experimental Set Up

Measurement Quantities and Techniques

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Measurement Data and Results

Description of Study Test Case

This section should:
* Convey the general set-up of the test case configuration (e.g. airflow over a bump on the floor of a wind tunnel)
* Describe the geometry, illustrated by a sketch
* Specify the flow parameters which define the flow regime (e.g. Reynolds number, Rayleigh number, angle of incidence etc.)
* give the principal quantities of interest that were measured - these should include global parameters but also mean-flow and turbulence parameters.

The description can be kept fairly short if reference can be made to a publication or a link to a data base where details are given. For other cases a more detailed, self-contained description should be provided.

The liquid used in the experiments is silicone oil (density ρ = 920 kg/m3, kinematic viscosity ν = 5 ⋅ 10-6 m2/s, surface tension σ = 0.0177 N/m) while the ambient gas is air (density 1.2 kg/m3, kinematic viscosity 1.52 ⋅ 10-5 m2/s). The film height h = 500 μm as well as the drop diameter D = 1.5 mm are kept fixed, resulting in the dimensionless film thickness δ = h/D = 0.33 and the Ohnesorge number Oh = 0.03, respectively. The drop velocity U is varied from 1 to 3 m/s. Accordingly, the Weber number We = ρDU2/σ is in the range 78 – 702 while the Reynolds number Re = We0.5/Oh is in the range 300 – 900, see the Table below.

Investigated drop impact velocities
Impact energy Impact velocity Weber number Reynolds number
Low 1 m/s 78.0 300
Moderate 2 m/s 311.9 600
High 3 m/s 701.7 900

Further details on the test case can be found in the following publication:

M. Bagheri, B. Stumpf, I.V. Roisman, C. Tropea, J. Hussong, M. Wörner, H. Marschall, Interfacial relaxation – Crucial for phase-field methods to capture low to high energy drop-film impacts, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 94 (2022) 108943, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2022.108943

Contributed by: Bastian Stumpf, Milad Bagheri, Ilia V. Roisman, Cameron Tropea, Jeanette Hussong, Martin Wörner, Holger Marschall — Technical University of Darmstadt and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Front Page


Review of experimental studies


Experimental Set Up

Measurement Quantities and Techniques

Data Quality and Accuracy

Measurement Data and Results

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