DNS 1-5 Computational Details
Computational Details
Computational approach
Provide an overview of the numerical method/setup used for the computation of the DNS or LES database. This includes a description of the spatial and temporal discretisation, order of accuracy; if applicable implicit iterative strategy and associated convergence criteria. If available, also provide the spectral analysis curves (von Neumann analysis). In case LES is used, provide a brief description of the SubGrid Scale (SGS) model. Avoid unnecessary detail if good references are available.
Spatial and temporal resolution, grids
Discuss the resolution of the simulation. If possible, relate it to the spectral accuracy. Indicate the dependence of the formal accuracy of the code to the quality of the mesh. Discuss the procedure for the a priori estimation of the grid resolution. Finally, provide the grids used for the study.
Computation of statistical quantities
Describe how the averages and correlations are obtained from the instantaneous results and how
terms in the budget equations are computed, in particular if there are differences to the proposed
approach in Introduction.
Contributed by: Francesco Bassi, Alessandro Colombo, Francesco Carlo Massa — Università degli studi di Bergamo (UniBG)
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