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preliminary numerical investigations we can now compare the final
preliminary numerical investigations we can now compare the final
numerical results with the experiment.
numerical results with the experiment.
== Comparison between numerical and experimental results ==
The investigations presented in
Section~\ref{sec:Full_case_vs_Subset_case} based on slightly different
material characteristics than defined in
Section~\ref{sec:Material_parameters} have shown that the subset case
permits a gain in CPU-time but nevertheless nearly identical results
as the full case. Therefore, the numerical computation with the
structural parameters defined in Section~\ref{sec:Material_parameters}
($E$ = 16 MPa, $h$ = 0.0021~m, $\rho_\text{rubber plate}$ = 1360 kg
m$^{-3}$) is carried out for the subset case.
Two simulations are considered: one with the structural damping
defined in Section~\ref{sec:validation_structure_model}, the other one
without damping. These results are compared with the experimental data
to check their accuracy. In order to quantitatively compare the
experimental and numerical data, both are phase-averaged as explained
in Section~\ref{sec:Generation_of_phase-resolved_data}. Similar to the
numerical comparison presented in
Section~\ref{sec:Full_case_vs_Subset_case} the displacement of the
structure will be first analyzed and then the phase-resolved flow
field is considered.
Fig. xx Experimental structural results: Structure contour for the reference period.
The structure contour of the phased-averaged experimental results for
the reference period is depicted in
Fig.~\ref{fig:swiveling_mode_FSI-PfS-1a}. Obviously, the diagram
represents the first swiveling mode of the FSI phenomenon showing only
one wave mode at the clamping. Figure~\ref{fig:comp_mean_period:a}
depicts the experimental dimensionless raw signal obtained at a point
located in the midplane at a distance of 9~mm from the shell extremity
(see Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_full_subset:c}).
Figure~\ref{fig:comp_mean_period:b} shows the numerical signal
predicted without structural damping and
Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_mean_period:c} the one computed with
damping. Applying the phase-averaging process the mean phase of the
FSI phenomenon for the experiment and for the simulations is
generated. The outcome is presented in
Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_mean_period:d} with the phase as the abscissa and
the dimensionless displacement \mbox{$U_y^* = U_y / D$} as the
ordinate. The amplitudes of the experimental signal varies more than
in the predictions. Therefore, the maximal standard deviation of each
point of the averaged phase is for the experiment bigger (0.083) than
for the simulation (0.072 with and without damping). In order to check
the reliability of the computed mean phase the coefficient of
determination $R^2$ is computed: it is smaller for the mean
experimental phase (0.9640) than for the mean simulation ones (0.9770
without damping and 0.9664 with damping). However, the values are
close to unity, which is an indication that the averaged phases are
representative for the signals. In Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_mean_period:d}
the mean period calculated from the simulation without damping is
quasi-antisymmetric with respect to \mbox{$U_y^* = 0$}. On the
contrary the period derived from the experiment is not exactly
antisymmetric with respect to the midpoint of the phase \mbox{$\phi =
\pi$}: the cross-over is not at the midpoint of the phase but
slightly deviates to the right. However, the absolute values of the
minimum and maximum are nearly identical. As for the experimental
phase, the simulation with damping generates a phase signal, which is
not completely antisymmetric. In the experiment this weak asymmetry
can be attributed to minor asymmetries in the setup or in the rubber
material.  The comparison in Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_mean_period:d} shows
some differences in the extrema and a summary is presented in
Table~\ref{tab:comparison_num_exp_damping}. Without structural damping
the simulations produce extrema which are too large by about
10~\%. With structural damping the extrema are smaller, even smaller
than in the experiment by about 6~\%. Thus, the structural damping
also has a significant influence on the FSI predictions and can not be
The frequency of the FSI phenomenon, i.e., the frequency of the
y-displacements, is about \mbox{$f_{{FSI}_{\text{exp}}}=7.10\,$Hz} in
the experimental investigations, which corresponds to a Strouhal
number \mbox{$\text{St} \approx 0.11$}. In the numerical predictions
without damping this frequency is
\mbox{$f_{{FSI}_{\text{num}}}^{\text{no damping}}=7.08\,$Hz} and with
\mbox{$f_{{FSI}_{\text{num}}}^{\text{damping}}=7.18\,$Hz}. This
comparison shows an error of \mbox{$\epsilon_{f}=-0.25\,\%$} for the
results without damping and \mbox{$\epsilon_{f}=1.15\,\%$} for the
cases with damping. Nevertheless, the FSI frequency is also very well
predicted in both cases. One can notice that the frequency of the
coupled system slightly increases due to the structural damping.
Tab. xx Comparison between numerical results with and without structural damping and the experiment.
Fig. xx Comparison of experimental and numerical results; raw signals and averaged phases of a point located at 9 mm distance from the shell extremity.
== Phase-resolved flow field ==
Owing to improved results in case of the structural damping, this case
is chosen for the direct comparison with the measurements.  The
phase-averaging process delivers the phase-resolved flow fields. Four
phase-averaged positions, which describe the most important phases of
the FSI phenomenon, are chosen for the comparison:
Fig.~\ref{fig:comparison_rubber_plate:1} shows the flexible structure
reaching a maximal upward deflection at \mbox{$t \approx T /
4$}. Then, it deforms in the opposite direction and moves
downwards. At \mbox{$t \approx T / 2$} the shell is almost in its
undeformed state (see
Fig.~\ref{fig:comparison_rubber_plate:2}). Afterwards, the flexible
structure reaches a maximal downward deformation at \mbox{$t \approx 3
T / 4$} as seen in Fig.~\ref{fig:comparison_rubber_plate:3}. At
\mbox{$t \approx T$} the period cycle is completed and the shell is
near its initial state presented in Fig.~\ref{fig:comparison_rubber_plate:4}.
For each of the given phase-averaged positions, the experimental and
numerical results (dimensionless streamwise and transverse velocity
component) are plotted for comparison. Note that the shell in the
experimental figures is shorter than in the simulation plots. Indeed,
in the experiment it is not possible to get exactly the whole
experimental structure, around 1 mm at the end of the structure is
missing. As in Section~\ref{sec:Comparison_of_numerical_results} an
additional figure shows the error between the simulation and the
experiment for the velocity magnitude.
At t=T/4 (see Fig. 3), when the structure is in
its maximal upward deflection, the acceleration zone above the
structure has reached its maximum. The acceleration area below the
plate is growing. Both phenomena are correctly predicted in the
simulations. The computed acceleration area above the structure is
slightly overestimated. However the local error is mostly under 20
The separation points at the cylinder are found to be in close
agreement between measurements and predictions. Accordingsly, also the
location of the shear layers shows a good agreement between
simulations and experiments. The shedding phenomenon behind the
structure generates a turbulent wake, which is correctly reproduced by
the computations. Owing to the phase-averaging procedure, as expected
all small-scale structures are averaged out.
At t=T/2 (see Fig. 4), the plate is near its
undeformed state. The acceleration zone above the structure has shrunk
in favor of the area below the plate. Regarding these areas the
predictions show a very good agreement with the measurements (marginal
local errors). The predicted wake directly behind the structure
matches the measured one.
At t=3T/4 (see Fig. 5), the downward deformation of
the plate is maximal, the flow is the symmetrical to the flow observed
at \mbox{$t \approx T / 4$} with respect to \mbox{y/D = 0}. Again the
acceleration areas around the structure show a very good agreement
with the measurements. Once more the wake is correctly predicted
in the near-field of the structure.
At t=T$ (see Fig. 6)
the flow is symmetrical to the flow observed at t=T/2 with respect to y/D = 0. The computed acceleration area
above the structure is slightly overestimated, but the local error is
under 20%. The wake is again correctly predicted except directly
after the flexible structure.
For every position the local error is mostly under 20%. In the
error plot the areas with a bigger local error are near the structure
and in the shear layers. This can be explained by the fact that near
the structure and in the shear layers the gradients of the flow
quantities are large. Since the mesh used for the simulation is much
finer than the PIV measurement grid, the accuracy of the numerical
solution is much higher than the precision of the PIV measurements in
these regions. Another reason is that the error expected by the PIV
method is more important for low flow velocities. Close to the
flexible structure and directly after its tail the flow velocity is
small, which at least partially explains the deviations observed
between the experimental and numerical results.
In summary, for every position the computed flow is in good agreement
with the measured one. The shedding phenomenon behind the cylinder and
the positions of the vortices convected downstream are correctly
Fig. xx Comparison of experimental and numerical results (subset case with damping, see Table 2, phase-averaged data at t=T/4.
Fig. xx Comparison of experimental and numerical results (subset case with damping, see Table 2, phase-averaged data at t=T/2.
Fig. xx Comparison of experimental and numerical results (subset case with damping, see Table 2, phase-averaged data at t=3T/4.
Fig. xx Comparison of experimental and numerical results (subset case with damping, see Table 2, phase-averaged data at t=T.


Revision as of 09:47, 7 October 2013

A fluid-structure interaction benchmark in turbulent flow (FSI-PfS-1a)

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Test Case Studies


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Comparison of numerical results

Two numerical setups are used to run the FSI-PfS-1a simulation: the full case and the subset case. These configurations differ regarding the geometry and the boundary conditions as described in Section~\ref{sec:Numerical_setup}. The subset case represents a simpler model than the full case requiring less CPU-time (one second real-time is predicted in about 170 hours wall-clock with the subset case on 84 processors and in about 310 hours wall-clock with the full case on 142 processors) and thus is worth to be considered. The question, however, is which influence these modeling assumptions have on the numerical results?

Full case vs. subset case

Both setups are performed with slightly different material characteristics than defined in Section~\ref{sec:Material_parameters}: The Young's modulus is set to \mbox{$E = 14$ MPa}, the thickness of the plate is equal to \mbox{$h = 0.002$ m}, the solid density is \mbox{$\rho_\text{rubber plate} = 1425$ kg m$^{-3}$} and no structural damping is used. The reason is that this comparison was a preliminary study carried out prior to the final definition of the test case. Because of the similitudes of the values used here and those defined in Section~\ref{sec:Material_parameters} and because of the large CPU-time requested, the comparison of the numerical results is not repeated with the parameters defined in Section~\ref{sec:Material_parameters}.

Deflection of the structure

At first the predicted deformation of the structure is analyzed. For this purpose Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_struct_full_subset} depicts an arbitrarily chosen snapshot of the deformed structure for both cases taken from the quasi-periodic oscillation mode. It is observed that the shell in the full case deforms more strongly in z-direction than in the subset case. This observation can be explained as follows: the full setup has a wider structure and the lateral nodes are exposed to less constraints than in the subset case.

Fig. xx A representative signal of the present FSI phenomenon: the time history of the y-displacements of the shell extremity.

In order to quantify these displacement variations along the z-axis in the full case, three characteristic points on the structure in three parallel planes depicted in Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_full_subset:c} are chosen: one plane is set in the middle of the structure, the others are shifted $\pm 60 \,$ mm in the spanwise direction. All three points are not located directly on the shell extremity but at a distance of 9 mm from the extremity. This choice is motivated by the planned comparison with the measured data (Sect.~\ref{sec:Comparison_between_numerical_and_experimental_results}) and the limitation in the experiment. The laser distance sensor does not allow to follow the structure extremity and thus points at a certain distance from the tail are chosen. The dimensionless y-displacements \mbox{$U_y^* = U_y / D$} at these three points are monitored as shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_full_subset:a}. The following observation can be made: 1. The displacements are in phase. 2. Local differences between the curves are observed in the extrema. 3. These variations are, however, not constant in time. In other words the displacement in one plane is not always bigger than another. The variations reflect some kind of waves in the structure that move in the spanwise direction. Comparing those three raw signals with the z-averaged displacements depicted in Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_full_subset:b}, a maximal difference of $5 \% $ regarding the extrema is noticed. Hence the variations are small. The corresponding z-variations of the subset case are even smaller ($< 0.5 \% $). Therefore, it was decided to continue the analysis by averaging both cases in z-direction.

The next step is to compare the structure deformations obtained with the full and the subset case. Figure~\ref{fig:comp_full_subset:b} shows the dimensionless y-displacements of both cases. Notice that by the averaging procedure in z-direction the 3D-problem is reduced to a 2D-problem. The frequencies are identically predicted in both cases ($f_{{FSI}_{\text{num}}} = 6.96 \,$Hz and $\text{St}_{\text{num}} = 0.11$). Minor differences appear in the extrema of the raw signals presented in Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_full_subset:b}. As before these variations are not constant in time and thus the maximal values are found irregularly for either the full or the subset case. As a consequence the comparison of the phase-averaged displacement signal (see Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_full_subset:d}) shows no significant changes between both cases and the coefficient of determination $R^2 = 1 - \sum_i \left( U_{{y}_i}^* - \hat{U_{{y}_i}^*}\right)^2 / \sum_i \left(U_{{y}_i}^* - \overline{U_y^*}\right)^2$ of the calculated mean phase is close to unity (0.9869 for the full case and 0.9782 for the subset case). $\hat{U_{{y}_i}^*}$ denotes the estimated mean value of $U_y^*$ for the point i. $\overline{U_y^*}$ is the mean value of all the displacements. The standard deviation for each point of the averaged phase is also computed: the maximum for the full case is 0.055 (dimensionless) and for the subset case 0.065 (dimensionless). These values are small compared to the signal, which is another indication for the reliability of the averaged phase. The subset case predicts structure deformations very similar to the full case. In order to check if the FSI results are quasi identical for the full and the subset case, the phase-resolved flow field has to be additionally taken into account.

FSI-PfS-1a num full subset case.png

Fig. xx Comparison of the structure deformations in y- and z-direction between the full and subset case.

Phase-resolved flow field

The phase-averaging process described in Section~\ref{sec:Generation_of_phase-resolved_data} delivers the phase-resolved flow fields for the full and the subset case. In order to compare them just two representative phase-averaged positions of the FSI problem are chosen to limit this subsection. Figure~\ref{fig:comp_subset_full_case:1} shows the flow field in the vicinity of the shell during its maximal deformation at $t \approx T / 4$ and Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_subset_full_case:4} depicts it close to its undeformed position at $t \approx T$, where $T$ denotes the period time of the phase-averaged signal. The figures display the contours of the phase-averaged streamwise and transverse velocity components. Furthermore, the local error of the velocity magnitude defined by the deviation between the absolute values of the velocity vector of both cases normalized by the inflow velocity $u_\text{inflow}$ is depicted. For both positions the results obtained for the subset and full case are nearly identical. Figures~\ref{fig:comp_subset_full_case:e} and~\ref{fig:comp_subset_full_case:t} underline that the local error of the velocity magnitude between both cases is about zero everywhere except in the region near the structure. For the position $t \approx T / 4$ (Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_subset_full_case:e}) small local errors are located behind the structure in the vortex shedding region. For the position $t \approx T$ (Fig.~\ref{fig:comp_subset_full_case:t}) the phase-averaged position of the shell for the subset case differs slightly from the one of the full case. Since the flow field is rapidly changing during the vortex shedding process, this minor deviation in the phase-angle explains the small local errors observed near the structure and in the shear layer.

FSI-PfS-1a num flow 1.png

Fig. xx Comparison of the results for the full and subset case; phase-averaged data at t=T/4.

FSI-PfS-1a num flow 2.png

Fig. xx Comparison of the results for the full and subset case; phase-averaged data at t=T.

The comparison of the phase-averaged flow fields shows no significant changes between both cases. The subset case predicts the phase-averaged flow field very similar to the full case. As said before, the subset setup is simpler and less expensive in CPU-time. Therefore, the subset case is very interesting in order to simulate the present test case using LES.

Sensitivity study for the subset case

In order to better understand the test case a comprehensive study on the influence of the three main parameters of the structure (the thickness of the plate $h$, the density $\rho_\text{rubber plate}$ and the Young's modulus $E$) was carried out.

  • The thickness of the plate was at first set to $h = 0.002$ m. However, as mentioned in Section~\ref{sec:Description_model}, the material is natural rubber and to manufacture a perfectly homogeneous 2 mm plate is not easy. The experimental measurements show that the thickness of the plate varies between 0.002 and 0.0022~m. Therefore, two values of $h$ are tested: the theoretical value of 0.002~m and the average value 0.0021~m.
  • The density of the plate $\rho_\text{rubber plate}$ is the second parameter. The value of $\rho_\text{rubber plate}$ is determined by a scale and the volume of the structure. Consequently, $\rho_\text{rubber plate}$ also depends on $h$. With $h = 0.002$ m $\rho_\text{rubber plate}$ is determined to be equal to 1425 kg m$^{-3}$. With $h = 0.0021$ m $\rho_\text{rubber plate}$ is found to be equal to 1360 kg m$^{-3}$.
  • The third parameter of the structure is the Young's modulus, because it has an important influence on the modeling of the material. A large spectrum of values for $E$ is tested to evaluate this influence.

All the tests were carried out without structural damping and are summarized in Table~\ref{Subset_case:parameters_study}. The full case used in Section~\ref{sec:Full_case_vs_Subset_case} and the experimental results are also added as references. Each simulation was done for a time interval of $4 $\,s physical time and comprises about 27 swiveling periods. The frequency $f_{FSI}$ of the swiveling mode and the extrema of the mean period of the FSI phenomenon (here the dimensionless y-displacement \mbox{$U_y^* = U_y / D$} as explained in Section~\ref{sec:Full_case_vs_Subset_case}) are compared. Furthermore, the relative errors between the numerical and experimental values is given.

FSI-PfS-1a parameters study.png

Fig. xx Parameter study for the subset case of the FSI test case (without structural damping).

The following results and trends can be seen:

  • By varying the Young's modulus $E$ between 8 and 16 MPa it is possible to control the mode of the FSI phenomenon. Thus $E$ turns out to be the most crucial material parameter. With $E$ smaller than 9 MPa, the system oscillates in the second swiveling mode (similar to the second bending mode presented in Fig.~\ref{fig:eigenformen}). With $E$ larger than 12 MPa the structure deflection is dominated by the first bending mode of the structure. For a Young's modulus between 9 and 12 MPa a mode transition phase appears in which both swiveling modes are apparent. In this situation the y-displacements of the plate are no longer quasi-periodic and can not be described by a unique frequency.
  • Non-negligible variations in the density (1320 kg m$^{-3} \le \rho_\text{rubber plate} \le$ 1725 kg m$^{-3}$) for a fixed thickness (h = 0.002~m) and Young's modulus ($E$ = 14~MPa) do not drastically change the results of the frequency and of the mean period extrema. The FSI frequency $f_{FSI}$ slightly decreases with the increase of the density.
  • Comparing the results for both thicknesses for the range 14 $\le$ $E$ $\le$ 16~MPa, it is obvious that a mild variation of the thickness of the plate (0.1 mm, equivalent to 5 \%) has a non-negligible influence on the extrema of the mean period and no significant influence on the frequency.
  • Overall the frequency of the FSI phenomenon $f_{FSI}$ is very well predicted (relative error under 2.22 \%) for all tested parameters leading to the first swiveling mode.
  • Comparing the results for the density $\rho_\text{rubber plate}=1360 $ kg m$^{-3}$ in the range 14 $\le$ $E$ $\le$ 20~MPa, we observe that the FSI frequency $f_{FSI}$ slightly increases with the Young's modulus and that the displacement extrema decrease.

In summary, the parameter study shows that the Young's modulus is the most important parameter: It controls the swiveling mode of the plate. Furthermore, it can be observed that mild modifications of the shell thickness have a certain effect on the predicted FSI phenomenon. Contrarily, this parameter study shows that large variations of the density do not have major influence on the predictions. Therefore, errors in the density measurement does not play an important role. With the support of these extensive preliminary numerical investigations we can now compare the final numerical results with the experiment.

Contributed by: Michael Breuer — Helmut-Schmidt Universität Hamburg

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