Description AC 7 01: Difference between revisions

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== Design or Assessment Parameters ==  
== Design or Assessment Parameters ==  
== Flow Domain Geometry ==
== Flow Domain Geometry ==  
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== Flow Physics and Fluid Dynamics Data ==
== Flow Physics and Fluid Dynamics Data ==
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Revision as of 12:03, 17 February 2011

Thoughts of a poor old sod

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Application Area 7: Flummery & Flannery

Application Challenge AC7-01



Brief description and overview of the Application Challenge (AC). Enough information for the reader to get a good idea of the fluid engineering issues and type of flow regimes involved, and why this makes a good AC. All available experimental and CFD results should be briefly described (i.e. experimental methods, computational domain and turbulence models used).

Relevance to Industrial Sector

An assessment of the relevance of the AC to the Industrial Sector. In particular, is it a test case by which the competency of CFD for the sector can be judged? An indication of the level at which the AC is understood should also be given (in terms of data/insight available, and overall quality).

Design or Assessment Parameters

The design or assessment parameters (DOAPs), are those which will be used to judge the competency of CFD calculations. These must be fully defined (e.g. the lift, drag and pitching moment of a wing; the pressure recovery in a diffuser; the species concentration at a given location downstream from a building, etc).

Flow Domain Geometry

The flow geometry associated with the AC should be fully described including clear diagrams or illustrations (preferably, the geometry should also be specified in digital form).

This description should include

  • geometrical features of the domain and their dimensions, locations of all boundaries
  • conventions (e.g. coordinate system used, sign conventions etc)

Flow Physics and Fluid Dynamics Data

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Contributed by: JB Priestley — Yorkshire

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