Main Page
The ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base Wiki Home Page
Welcome to the world's foremost repository of structured knowledge and advice designed to underpin quality and trust in the industrial application of CFD. The Knowledge Base was originally developed by the EU Network on Quality and Trust in the Industrial Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (QNET-CFD). After the end of this EU network, the Knowledge Base was passed on to ERCOFTAC with the remit of making it public and to expand it continuously (see News link below). The Knowledge Base consists of individual test cases which are application centred, facilitating the identification of appropriate knowledge and advice for specific industrial purposes. They are organised around:
These are sector disciplines such as Built Environment, Chemical and Process Engineering, External Aerodynamics, Turbomachinery, Combustion and Heat Transfer, Environmenta Flows, Biomedical Flows etc.
These are generic, well-studied test cases capturing important elements of the key flow physics encountered across the Application Areas.
These are test cases providing statistical data from high-fidelity calculations, primarily Direct Numerical Simulations but also near-DNS Large Eddy simulations, aimed for testing and improving models for the turbulent motion and for gaining insight into this.
These are test cases providing experimental data for gaining insight into the flow physics and supplying target values for testing and validating CFD methods
Unless otherwise indicated, the material in the [ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base] by ERCOFTAC is licensed under [CC BY 4.0].
Further Info on Knowledge Base Wiki
Details on the structure, operation and management of the Knowledge Base wiki can be found here.
All the latest developments in the Knowledge Base can be found in News
Further Info on MediaWiki
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