UFR 3-36 Best Practice Advice

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HiFi-TURB-DLR rounded step

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Best Practice Advice


Semi-confined flows

Underlying Flow Regime 3-36

Best Practice Advice

Key Physics

The key flow physics to be accurately captured are turbulent boundary layers subjected to an adverse pressure gradient over a curved surface with and without separation and reattachment.

Numerical Modelling

With the FV-Code TAU a second order discretization for convective fluxes was used including the turbulence model. For grid details please refer to section 5. Otherwise, standard rules of grid generation apply. For the RANS computations, the inflow boundary is a reservoir-pressure inflow boundary condition.with prescribed total pressure and total density. The inflow direction is by default perpendicular to the boundary face, uniform inflow was assumed at the inlet. For the outflow boundary an exit-pressure outflow boundary condition is used. The exit pressure is adapted during the simulation to match the reference pressure at the reference locations, i.e. at Z_ref = (-0.15m,0m,0.18m). In spanwise direction symmetry boundary conditions are used, while the body wall is set to a viscous wall boundary. The upper wall is set to a farfield boundary condition located at a distance of 68 Rmax opposed to the viscous wall upstream of the APG region. A study was performed to find the optimal position for the farfield boundary condition, revealing that a distance to the viscous wall less than 68Rmax shows an influence on the computed pressure distributions. With a distance larger than 68Rmax the influence vanished. Results of this study are given in Figure 4.

Physical Modelling

The RANS computations were performed in fully turbulent mode using the different RANS turbulence models as stated above. No other modeling was involved, the RANS turbulence models are not altered compared to the respective reference.

Application Uncertainties

The Reynolds numbers used for the test case were determined, on the one hand, by affordable cost of the DNS computations and on the other hand, by avoiding re-laminarization in the accelerated part of the boundary layer. Two different criteria for possible re-laminarization were applied, the acceleration parameter K_acc= -ν/(ρu_∞^3 ) ∂p/∂s as well as the pressure-gradient parameter Δ_p= -ν/(ρu_τ^3 ) ∂p/∂s and compared to limiting values for re-laminarization according to the literature [‌24], [‌25] and [‌26]. Here, uτ is the friction velocity. Figure 5 shows the distribution of Kacc and Δp for the original Reynolds number (“1 Re”) and for the lower Reynolds numbers listed in Table 2 (“1.15 Re”) together with the threshold values for both parameters. To ensure turbulent flow throughout the computational domain, the lower Reynolds number was set to 1.15 Re, which is the lower value in Table 2.

Recommendations for Future Work

Contributed by: Erij Alaya and Cornelia Grabe — Deutsches Luft-und Raumfahrt Zentrum (DLR)

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